Bank Account Information
Sort code: | 30-98-97 |
Account number: | 64110162 |
Name: | Byte IT Computers Ltd |
IBAN: | GB55LOYD30989764110162 |
BIC: | LOYDGB21031 |
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Do repair attempt and/or diagnostics fees apply to the services being offered?
Yes, a repair attempt fee is a charge for the time and effort spent attempting to repair a device. This fee may be incurred even if the repair is ultimately unsuccessful. On the other hand, a diagnostics fee covers the time and effort spent diagnosing the issue with the device. This fee is typically separate from repair costs and is non-refundable. This is particularly applicable in data recovery and motherboard repair scenarios. Both the repair attempt fee and the diagnostics fee are meant to compensate the technician for their labor and expertise. These fees will be outlined on the log form at the time the device is booked for repair or diagnosis.